Welcome Back Pack

We’re helping schools reopen by creating a library of downloadable and printable resources such as informative posters, fun activities, useful sticker templates and engaging lesson plans that encourage healthy habits.

Cartoon child washing hands over a sink with a face mask on.

Teacher Resources

An icon of a lesson plan

Lesson Plans

We’ve partnered with the NEA and PTA to develop lesson plans that can help students learn healthy habits. They’re broken up into specific grade levels. Download PDF and print.

An icon of a poster


We’ve worked with the CDC Foundation to create posters that help remind students of healthy habits. Please place them in locations where reminders are needed.

An icon of a an activity


These resources go beyond lesson plans and provide you with engaging ways to make healthy habits fun.

An icon of a sticker


We’re taking the guesswork out of social distancing by creating stickers that say “here.” And, germ hotspot stickers call out where  germs are usually found, such as around door knobs.


Choose your grade level to find lesson plans


  • View all
  • Pre-K
  • Grades K-1
  • Grades 2-3
  • Grades 4-5