- Washing Hands
- Coughing and sneezing into the elbow rather than hands
- Putting a used tissue in the trash straight away
- Saying “beep” when another child comes within 6 feet
- Checking that their mask is worn properly
Prevent Germs From Spreading
Scorecard to Create Healthy Habits in the Classroom
As a fun way to teach and reaffirm healthy habits in the classroom, use the Healthy Habits Scorecard and Soundboard. Give your class a point in the scorecard every time they practice a healthy habit and use the soundboard to test them throughout the day.

Examples of healthy habits

Download the Healthy Habits Scorecard
To hammer those healthy habits home, spot-check your students with the Healthy Habits Soundboard.
Access the Healthy Habits Soundboard
The soundboard sounds include:
- Mask Check - children should freeze so you can check whether their mask is covering their nose and mouth
- Cough - Children should practice coughing into their elbows
- Sneeze - Children should practice sneezing into their elbows
- 6 feet beep - Use this beeping as a warning when the children do not socially distance
Presented by Lysol® in collaboration with the CDC Foundation