Healthy Habits
Healthy Heroes Lesson Plan for Kids
We learn a lot about how to live by watching those we admire. In this lesson, students are encouraged to think about people they know who live healthy lives (a.k.a. “Healthy Heroes”) and consider what makes them good role models.

Goals and Skills
Students Will:
- Identify specific healthy behaviors that inspire them
- Explain the personal value of health-promoting behaviors
- Write and edit a five-paragraph essay about a person they admire for promoting good health
Supplies and Preparation:
- Pencils and paper
- Copies of student handouts, My Healthy Hero and Essay Tools (Page 4 and 5 of PDF)
- Optional: Computers, MS Word/Pages
Instruction Steps
Writing About a Healthy Hero
Explain that students will write a five-paragraph essay about a person they admire for promoting good health. Provide a few minutes for students to think about what a “Healthy Hero” means to them.
Discuss qualities that might make someone a “Healthy Hero.” Invite students to share their ideas. Start a list of the qualities on the board. Consider different types of people for different reasons.
Distribute copies of the My Healthy Hero handout to students. Encourage them to think about details and specifics by asking students questions on the handout.
My Healthy Hero
Give students a few minutes to think about the different people in their lives who are healthy. Have them continue to write down their ideas and reasons on the My Healthy Hero handout and their notebooks. After they have had some time to brainstorm, they should select one person as their “Healthy Hero.”
The Writing Process
Provide students with a copy of the Essay Tools handout. Go over the parts of a five-paragraph essay with students, as well as the checklist provided to help them create a first draft.
Guide students through each step of the writing process:
- Pre-write
- Draft
- Revise
- Edit
- Publish
Emphasize the purpose of the essay. Completed essays should clearly explain why they chose their Healthy Hero, and how the person inspires them. Students may handwrite or type up their first drafts.
Peer-Edit and Revise
Have students work in pairs to peer-edit their drafts. While editing, encourage “reviewers” to provide the “writers” with one “glow” (complement) and a “grow” (area for improvement).
Remind students to reference the questions on their My Healthy Hero handouts. Ask reviewers: Does the essay answer these questions clearly? Is there anything you wish you could know more about?
Students should then revise and edit their essays. Once finalized, student essays can be presented to the rest of the class along with pictures of their heroes. Essays can be mounted and displayed on bulletin boards or published online on your class blog
Extend the Lesson
Have students share their essays or artwork and display them throughout the classroom or school hallway. Consider creating a book featuring all of the essays and artwork to share with the rest of the school.
Hold an assembly for students to share their “Healthy Hero” essays with the rest of the school community during a school wellness event. If their “Healthy Heroes” are at the school, essays may be presented to the hero as a symbol of recognition.
For students in lower grades, have them draw a picture with three or four steps to tell the story of their Healthy Hero (cape included!)
For students in higher grades, work on a three- paragraph essay with a beginning, middle, and end
Download the My Healthy Hero Lesson Plan
Healthy Habits® is Presented by Lysol® in collaboration with NEA and National PTA
Education Standards: (NHES) Health: 1.5.1, 2.5.4; (CCSS) English Language Arts: W.4-5.1, W.4-5.4, W.4-5.5, L.4-5.4
For more resources, visit CDC – Be A Germ Stopper Poster
CDC – Healthy Schools Parent Engagement Materials
CDC - BAM! Body and Mind
CDC - Handwashing Posters
CDC- Handwashing Stickers