For the Classroom
Tips for Teachers: Classroom Supply List
Already have your school supply list? Or dreading creating it from scratch? We have two new and easy ways to help you.

TeacherLists: The smarter way to manage, find, and share school supply lists
TeacherLists makes it easier than ever to manage, share and find school supply lists. Creating or uploading lists is a snap and lists are easy to share on your school website, via social media and via email. Parents love the convenience of being able to view their child’s list any time on any device – even on their smartphone while shopping. TeacherLists supply lists are even powering one-click shopping at major back-to-school retail stores, making back-to-school shopping quick and easy. Get started at
Amazon School Lists: Save Time and Money on Back-to-School Shopping
Amazon School Lists is a way for K-12 teachers to let parents know the paper, binders, pencils, markers, and other materials their students will need for class during the upcoming school year. Parents can view and purchase supplies using the teacher's list or suggested list by grade to save time and money on back-to-school shopping.
Amazon School Lists makes going back to school easier for parents and teachers. Teachers will have many more students prepared from the first day of school and throughout the year, and parents will know exactly which school supplies their child will need, while avoiding crowded stores by having the supplies shipped right to their door.
How do they work?
A teacher creates a student supply list for each class and posts it to the Amazon School Lists website. He or she sends parents an email with a link to the list. Parents can view and shop directly from the list or print the list to take shopping.
Teachers may begin creating supply lists in the spring for the following school year. Parents will be able to access School Lists in the spring as well.
To find out more and build your list today visit